ADMISSION OPEN FOR Class Nursery to Class 9 and Class 11 (ALL Streams) | Delhi World Public School Malda has been granted its Upgradation to Senior Secondary Level(CLASS-XII)

ADMISSION OPEN 2025 - 2026

Nityanandapur, Malda, Pin - 732103, Westbengal


Theatre Activities

Our schools encourage all students to take part in theatre activities. Students are taught drama through gesture, speech, song, story-telling, music and dance, thereby also sharpening their communication as well as public speaking skills.

Music and Dance

We provide facilities to students for self expression via music and dance. Students who want to seriously sing or play an instrument or learn formal dance are given additional support outside school curriculum. Students demonstrate their learning at annual school events.


Sport and games are compulsory and an integral part of a child's development. Programmes include competitive sport, outdoor adventure sports, regular fitness and physical recreation activities. Our gym and playgrounds have facilities for football, cricket, hockey, tennis, badminton, etc.

Special Educational Support

All children are special and deserve the best education and uidance needed to make then the successful adults of tomorrow. At Delhi World Public Schools, we aim to recognize and support gifted students as well as those with learning difficulties. Our objective is to provide each student with an individual programme tailored to his/her specific needs. We provide all students with the necessary tools and skills in order to achieve academic

Co-curricular activities and outdoor education

Delhi World Public Schools offer a wide choice of Co-curricular activities. The choice on offer varies from term to term but always includes a selection of sporting a c t i v i t i e s , m u s i c groups, visual and performing arts as well as more unusual options such as rock climbing. All students are expected to be involved in at least two activities but the majority choose to participate in several. In addition to the w e e k l y a c t i v i t y programme there is a s p e c i f i c O u t d o o r Education Expedition for each year level. Expeditions provide o p p o r t u n i t i e s f o r students to develop

Striving towards excellence in sports

At Delhi World Public Schools, we believe that Sports plays an important role in the life of a child. The qualities of leadership, teamwork and sporting spirit are learned on the sports field. Therefore, every child at a Delhi World Public School is encouraged to take up a sport being given a vast choice including Cricket, Football, Volleyball, Badminton, Lawn and Table Tennis; Chess and much more. Our sporting facilities are for both indoor and outdoor sports and include 360º running track, swimming pool, cricket pitch, cricket nets, football pitch, basketball, badminton and volley ball courts. In addition to Physical Education teachers, the school also provides professional coaches. The sports teachers do the 'talent spotting' to encourage children to take up the sport that most suits their interests and skills.

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